Parents » Infinite Campus

Infinite Campus

Welcome Parents To Infinite Campus! 

Parents​:  Brochure

  1. Go to   (District ID: Hawaii)
  2. Click on the orange HELP button.
  3. Click on the following: If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, click here.
  4. Enter your Unique Campus Portal Activation Key
  5. After clicking on Submit, you will be asked to create a User Name and Password. Please write these down and keep in a secure place.
  6. Select a User Name and Password.
    • Enter a User Name. Use an alphanumeric (both letters and numbers) user name.
    • Enter a Password. Use an alphanumeric (both letters and numbers) password. Passwords should be at least 6 characters long. If system preferences have been set to require a strong password, it must meet three of the four qualifications:
      ● A lower case letter (a, j, r, etc.)
      ● An upper case letter (A, J, R, etc.)
      ● A number (3, 7, 1, etc.)
      ● A symbol (@, %, &, etc.)
  7. Re-enter the Password in the Verify Password field.
  8. Click the Create Account button.
  9. Sign in using your new User Name and Password.
  10. You will be asked: “Would you like to update your security preferences now?”
  11. Click YES [This will enable you to change your password or retrieve your User Name and/or Password if it is forgotten. An email address must be entered at this time.]
  12. Enter email address.
  13. Select 8 Likes.
  14. Select 8 Dislikes.
  15. Save changes.
  16. Enter current password to save changes.
  17. SAVE
Infinite Campus is available for Android and iOs devices.
To download the application just type "Infinite Campus Portal" in the SEARCH BAR